You should Protein Stains in many instances are actually a combination of a wetside protein stain and a dryside oil stain. For example blood is a wetside stain, but blood can also contain fats, and greases from a person’s body. When you spot a blood stain with a regular protein chemical, you remove the wetside part of the stain, but can leave a residual oil stain that must then be spotted on the dryside. You can also run the risk of setting protein stains that contain oil, because you started spotting with a wetside chemical.
PROform™ is The One-Step Protein Remover™. PROform™’s unique formulation includes a wetside solvent that allows you to remove the wetside protein stain as well as the residual oil stain in one fast and easy step.
PROform™ is very safe to most fabrics that are not affected by
water or steam. However, in the rare event that you add PROform™
and you notice the color changing, immediately add TANaway™. This
should reverse the color change.