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Rust Buster’s™ unique formulation produces no odor. So when
you steam out the Rust Buster™ from a garment, there is no effect
at all on your nose. You can even take a deep breath when you apply the
When you apply Rust Buster™ to a rust stain, the stain immediately begins to disappear. In most instances, just a drop or two of Rust Buster™ will eliminate the stain.
Rust Buster’s™ proprietary and effective acid blend eliminates the need for Hydrofluoric Acid. Hydrofluoric Acid is one of the strongest chemicals that you will ever use in your plant.
HF can quickly penetrate skin to attack underlying tissues and bone. Such burns, which can be caused by HF solutions less than 2%, may not cause pain and may not be visible until several hours have elapsed since contact. (From the Harvard University Website
“Hydrofluoric Acid is one of the most dangerous compounds that God has ever created, and even God should never have created a chemical as dangerous as this.” (Statement of renowned chemist George Pimentel,Ph.D. in a college chemistry lecture as recounted years later by his student, toxicologist John Froines, Ph.D. From Website )
Hydrofluoric Acid is a highly corrosive acid which can severely burn skin and eyes. The vapors alone from hf acid can cause severe burns to these tissues. (From Website)
HF's unique properties make it significantly more hazardous than many of the other acids used on campus. (From the University of California at Berkeley Website )
Rust Buster™ The No-Odor, Non-Hydrofluoric Acid Alternative™