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Why Use SizeAll™ in Your Drycleaning Process?
· The Customer Wants SizeAll
Your drycleaning customers want their clothes to continue to look like new. When people buy new clothes, they don’t just look at them, they also touch and feel them. When a customer’s clothes are drycleaned, they want drycleaning that makes their clothes look and feel like new. Only a product like SizeAll from Kleerwite can do this.
Below is an excerpt from the last motivational research study done by
for the IFI on drycleaning consumers wants. The survey clearly indicated
that the consumer wants a product like SizeAll™ applied to their
How do you judge whether your articles have been well cared for? (Check
as many as you like)
Pressed |
Percent | Clearly, the consumer wants more than simple drycleaning; they want their clothes to feel as well as look clean and new |
Fresh in appearance | 77 | |
Comes back really clean | 67 | |
Article did not shrink or stretch | 66 | |
Feels Crisp | 43 | |
Seems almost like new | 34 | |
Seems just like new | 21 | |
In order to satisfy the consumer’s desire to have a garment restored to look and feel like new, it is necessary to replace the fabric’s sizing lost through cleaning and wear. |
· The Pressers Need SizeAll™
As the attached IFI report shows, using a product like SizeAll™ , reduces finishing time. As a matter of fact, finishing time was reduced by 12%.
This means:
1. The presser can do a better job and still have time to devote to finishing
problem garments.
2. Less finishing time means you have the opportunity to reduce your labor
· The Spotter Needs SizeAll™
Most of the clothes you clean are from repeat customers. This means you continually process the same clothes over and over again. Garments that are treated with SizeAll™ are easier to spot. IFI showed in a research study that sizing provides a protective coating to fibers and prevents spots and stains from becoming set while being worn by the customer prior to cleaning.
As the attached IFI report shows, using a product like SizeAll™ , reduces spotting time. As a matter of fact, spotting time was reduced by 5%.
· The Finished Garment Needs SizeAll™
After a garment is pressed, it is normally handled as many 13 times before the customer wears it. Even the most beautifully finished garment can get wrinkles due to this type of handling. Using SizeAll™ in your drycleaning process will allow the customer’s clothes to hold their press and prevent these wrinkles. When the customer finally wears their clothes, the quality of your work will show and with it you maintain a satisfied customer.
The Clothes Need SizeAll™
Cotton, silk, wool and other types of garments contain a sizing or finish when they are new. These sizings and finishes are removed by drycleaning. When they lose their original sizing, these garments become limp, lifeless, and just do not look as good as they did when the customer bought them.
Many IFI Bulletins were written about the necessities of using a sizing in your drycleaning process to properly restore the clothes to a like new feel. IFI Bulletins state “the professional drycleaner must use sizings to restore the appearance, hand, and drape of the fabric after an item is drycleaned.”
Helps Clothes Reduce Wrinkles
When you think about how a garment travels after it is pressed, they can be handled upwards of ten times. It gets taken off the press, gets pushed up the line to inspection, gets assembled, gets put on the bagger, gets bagged, then gets taken off the bagger, gets pushed up a line to go to the conveyor, gets taken off the line and put on the conveyor where it travels round and round a few times. When the customer comes in the garment gets taken off the conveyor, given to the customer, the customer carries it over their shoulder, puts it in the car, takes it home, takes it out of the car, and puts it in their closet. When they go to wear it, they can find that all this handling has caused some wrinkles to develop. SizeAll helps to reduce these wrinkles from occurring so that your quality job continues to show after all this handling.
· What Does it Cost to Use SizeAll™
Below are prices for what it costs to package a garment.
Item | Price | Cost of Each |
Strut Hangers | $17.00 for 250 | 6.8 Cents |
Custom Garment Covers | $76.00 for 2500 | 3.0 Cents |
Custom Printed Bags | $26.00 for 550 | 4.7 Cents |
Shoulder Savers | $68.00 for 1000 | 6.8 Cents |
Coat Retainers | $24.00 for 1000 | 2.4 Cents |
Tissue Paper | $74.00 for 5000 | 1.5 Cents |
Total Packaging Costs | 25.2 Cents |
Using SizeAll at 1%, and turning over 10 gallons per hundred pounds cleaned,
you will use 13 ounces. The total cost per garment to use SizeAll is 2.2