
Can You Remove Wetside Soil in Your Drycleaning Machine?
Miller's Secret™ Can Make it Happen™!
When you dryclean clothes, removing dryside soil is easy, but removing wetside soil is very challenging.
You probably don’t need any reprogramming to your current machine. Most of today’s drycleaning machines have a prewash cycle that lasts 3 to 5 minutes. During this time, if you prewash with only solvent, you only remove solvent soluble soil. However, if you add Miller’s Secret to your prewash cycle, you will be amazed at how much water-soluble soil is removed!
No special pumps are required. Miller’s Secret can be poured by hand right into the wheel or button trap before you add clothes.
Miller’s Secret is designed to get clothes cleaner than you ever thought possible! Because of the unique ingredients in Miller’s Secret, wet-side soil, ground-in dirt, mud, and many other types of stains are able to be removed right in your drycleaning machine.
Miller’s Secret is designed to work in all solvents. As long as you have a still, Miller’s Secret will work effectively in perc, hydrocarbon, and Green Earth solvent.

DO NOT pour Miller’s Secret directly onto clothing. Pour Miller’s Secret into the button trap or wheel before the clothes are added.
For normal cleaning add 1 ounces of Miller’s Secret per 10 pounds of garments cleaned. Prewash for 3 – 4 minutes, then send the solvent to the still.
For DURABLE garments that are very heavily soiled, add 2 ounces of Miller’s Secret per 10 pounds of garments cleaned. Prewash for 4 – 8 minutes, then send the solvent to the still.
Miller’s Secret – Make It Happen™
