
SuedeSmart™ – After Wetcleaning, DRY Leather and Suede in Less than One Hour! |
SuedeSmart - The Smart Way to Wetclean AND DRY Leather & Suede. This new process along with a uniquely-designed and patent-pending team of three SuedeSmart™ chemicals clean and condition Leather & Suede in water, and allow you to dry the garments in a normal dryer. Leathers & Suedes come out clean and bright with minimal color loss, and amazingly, with a soft and supple feel after drying for less than one hour.
W. Joe Lothrop, Jr., President/CEO of Ram Leather & Fur Care, Arlington, VA, aided in the development and testing of the SuedeSmart process. Joe has over 30 years experience in the Leather & Suede cleaning industry. During the extensive two-year testing of SuedeSmart, Joe's exuberance at seeing how clean, soft and easy it was to process Leathers & Suedes, led to him becoming a partner and the president of SuedeSmart, LLC.
SuedeSmart is designed to get Leathers & Suedes clean and protect the garments during drying. The SuedeSmart System consists of three chemicals, that when used as recommended will produce an incredible finished product that you won't believe until you see it. The SuedeSmart Team of Chemicals also minimizes shrinkage.
All three chemicals used in the SuedeSmart process are guaranteed biodegradable and safe for the environment.
SuedeSmart saves you time and money, because during wetcleaning, all three chemicals are injected at the beginning of the cycle so you only need one rinse. This will save you considerable water, sewer costs and time.
SuedeSmart allows Leather & Suede to dry in a normal dryer, so you don't have to hang up the garments for days. The garments dry in less than an hour.

See below for
1. General Directions
2. Directions for SuedeSmart™ using in a Front Loading Machine
3. Directions for Drying Leathers and Suedes
General Directions:
You should expect Smooth Leathers and Suedes to come out very clean with minimal color loss, and minimal relaxation.
Close all garments by Snapping, zipping, or buttoning as necessary.
Pour the proper amount of CleanAll™, VITE-ALL™, and SOILaway™ into a measuring cup in the follow proportion:
• CleanAll – Add 2 ounces per GARMENT
• VITE-ALL – Add 5 ounces per LOAD
• SOILaway – Add 2 ounces per LOAD
Set the Water Level to HIGH.
Set the Temperature to warm, not to exceed 100 degrees F.
When water level is reached, pour the measured amount of SuedeSmart products into the machine.
Put the garments into the washer and wash for the following times:
• Painted Leather, (such as an Athletic Jackets) 3 Minutes
• Smooth Leather 5 Minutes
• Sueded Garments 10 Minutes
Let the machine go through its cycle; Drain, ONE RINSE, Drain, and Extract.
Take the garments out of the washer and shake. This will help to prevent uneven drying.
If you are using a commercial dryer, put each garment into a separate mesh bag.
Directions for SuedeSmart™ using in a Front Loading Machine:
You should expect Smooth Leathers and Suedes to come out very clean with minimal color loss, and minimal relaxation.
Close all garments by Snapping, zipping, or buttoning as necessary.
Pour the proper amount of CleanAll, VITE-ALL, and SOILaway into a measuring cup in the follow proportion:
Size of Washer
Product to
Be Added |
Less than Half
of a Load |
Half of a Load
or More |
30 Pounds |
5 Oz Per LOAD
3 Oz Per LOAD
10 Oz Per LOAD
6 Oz Per LOAD
50 Pounds |
SOILaway |
8 Oz Per LOAD
5 Oz Per LOAD
15 Oz Per LOAD
10 Oz Per LOAD
Set the Water Level to HIGH
Set the Temperature to warm, 90 to 100 degrees F.
Put the garments into the washer.
Turn on the washer and as the water begins to fill, pour the measured amount of SuedeSmart products into the machine.
Wash for the following times:
• Painted Leather, (such as an Athletic Jackets) 3 Minutes
• Smooth Leather 5 Minutes
• Sueded Garments 10 Minutes
After the wash cycle, use the following program
• Drain
• Rinse in Cold Water
• Drain
Take the garments out of the washer and shake. This will help to prevent uneven drying.
If you are using a commercial dryer, put each garment into a separate mesh bag.
Directions for Drying Leathers and Suedes
1. If using a gas dryer, preheat the dryer for 2 minutes before adding garments. This step is not required for steam or electric dryers.
2. Put each garment into a separate mesh bag.
3. Throw the bags of leather garments into a dryer and dry at 130F for 25 - 30 minutes
4. Remove when the seams and pockets are still damp.
5. Place the garment on a hanger and smooth out the garment, stretch it and straighten it. The better you do this, the easier it is to finish the garment.
6. Allow the garments to hang until they are completely dry.
To Finish Suedes
1. When garments are completely dry, place in dryer with low heat for 5 to 10 minutes to soften the leather which causes the active components of SuedeSmart to achieve their full potential.
2. Place on a Steam Air Finisher (Suzie). Turn the air on manual.
3. With the hot air still on, brush the garment with a suede-brush to raise the nap.
To Finish Smooth Leathers
1. When garments are completely dry, place in dryer with low heat for 5 to 10 minutes to soften the leather which causes the active components of SuedeSmart to achieve their full potential.
2. Place on a Steam Air Finisher (Suzie). Turn the air on manual.
3. With the hot air still on, smooth out the garment, stretch it and straighten it as needed. |
